We're Now Open to Community Posts

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We’re Open!

Yep thats right we’re now open.
Basically, I decided we’re open to community posts only just late last night. i got it listed out in the README.md file ion the git repository but there are a few rules.


  1. We are NERDS not politicians. I’ll welcome a healthy debate, but lets not bring debates to a toxic level.
  2. Your post is subject to moderation. If your post brings a lot of controversy it will be deleted.
  3. Dont advocate piracy or share illegal content. We already know how to download a torrent, no need to tell us how.
  4. Dont use affiliate links without the approval of this repositories maintainer which is currently Joshua Lee aka 10leej
  5. To have a post removed after it’s been merged, open a merge request removing it and the reasons for doing so.
  6. Understand the licensing of this website is Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) as such your post must comply with that licensing.

How to Post

This website was made using Hugo, there’s really no magical scripting here. You just git clone the website repo, make sure the Mainroad theme is installed.
I myself use the vscode Hugo Helper tool, but am working on looking into this fancy new text editor I haven’t announced I’m switching too yet (it’s written in lua btw).

But once you get the fancy bit pulled in, just make a new post like this:

hugo new blog/articlename.md

This will create a file in content/blog called articlename.md from there it’ll pull in my draft template from archetypes/default.md just modify accordingly.

To see a formatted render use hugo to run a test site

hugo server

The Future

So I’m debating on the future of this blog, I think it’s gonna stick around, but I do want to mess around with the theme’s colors a bit and give it a nice dark theme.
As for the content, I’m gonna really start posting articles on what I’m working on as I go through the 100 Days of Homelab or something like that. I’m not sure I can really commit to the challenge. But, I do plan on working on a LPIC-1 or RHCSA cert. We’ll find out. Either way, I am going to be posting here, or promising to post more often here.

Don’t expect a schedule.

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