
Solus Is Back

Joshua Lee
The Announcement Today I woke up to find this reddit post from Josh Strobl, a developer I follow. This is a pretty big deal for meas Solus was my first distro experience where I honestly never felt that it was ever required for me to “use a terminal” This was well before the days of flatpak and snaps (which Solus still doesn’t have a graphical store for). The past six or so months have apparently really put a damper on the distribution with a website outage, and then the package build system went down which effectively means there’s been no package updates for months now.

We're Now Open to Community Posts

Joshua Lee
We’re Open! Yep thats right we’re now open. Basically, I decided we’re open to community posts only just late last night. i got it listed out in the file ion the git repository but there are a few rules. Rules We are NERDS not politicians. I’ll welcome a healthy debate, but lets not bring debates to a toxic level. Your post is subject to moderation. If your post brings a lot of controversy it will be deleted.

Audio Samples

Joshua Lee
So I’ve been working on some audio stuff Here’s some audio smaples for my current setup. Linux Mint 20.3 PulseAudio Cinnamon Desktop Audio Technica AT2020 Alesis Multimix 4USBFX (I honestly hate this thing but it was cheap enough xlr at the time) nevoyu-sample.tar.gz Thats literally as raw a recording that a recording can be, I included the audacity project file too for proofs. but this mixer has no effects and the tuning is flat on the 12kHz and 80Hz and it feeds into the PC via the mixer’s usb port.

The Meaning of Life and Everything Is 42

Joshua Lee
This is a repost, from something I wrote last year. “There may be some offensive language in this article” ~Joshua Lee, Editor/Writer And for the love of all that could potentially be holy. Don’t forget your towel! Let me show you something…. Yes, that is my hand, radio, and safety glasses. Their all a little dirty, same with this table in the lunch room where I took this photo on my cheapo smartphone.